Our Prospectus


The Forum Centre offers an alternative to mainstream school for students within a geographically defined zone. The Centre provides a flexible, individual package of education which reflects the interests of the student. 

Primary and KS3 Bases provide a mixed and varied curriculum to their students following Programmes of Study from the National Curriculum.

Exam courses available to KS4 students at the Centre, include: 

  • GCSE: English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Statistics, Combined Science, Geography and History.
  • We offer a variety of other qualifications including Arts Award, BTEC Sport & Esports, Functional Skills and Entry Level Certificates in English, Mathematics and Science, 
  • Peripatetic instrument and music theory lessons - leading to ABRSM grade exams
  • Other enrichment opportunities include: Work experience, college experience days at Kingston Maurward College (horticulture, animal welfare, forge, construction and outdoor education), John Muir Award at Rylands Farm, forest school, gym, football, trampolining, gymnastics and swimming.

All students are allocated a key worker and phase leader, who takes responsibility for individual planning, review and acting as a point of contact between home and The Forum Centre. 

Admission Arrangements

Referrals to The Forum Centre are made by the appropriate professional in consultation with the student and their parents/carers. All referrals are considered by the Local Inclusion panel, the in-year fair access panel and the medical panel, all of which meet regularly, to determine if a place should be offered. 

Once a place has been offered, staff at The Forum Centre will arrange an Induction meeting in consultation with students, their parents / carers and previous school. 

Assessment and Reporting

At the Induction meeting, a  learning programme will be agreed with the student and parents/carers. Advice from support services will also be taken into account, together with the information from the referring school. 

During the first week of attending The Forum Centre, baseline assessments are carried out.

Attendance and behaviour are monitored daily and targets for individuals are written into a personalised learning plan (PLP). 

Parent consultation meetings take place termly between the student's tutor, student and parents/carers: reviewing progress made using a termly progress report prepared by the tutor and subject teachers. A written annual report sent home each academic year - spring term for year 11 and summer term for all other years. 

Postcards/certificates are sent home regularly to celebrate individual successes and parents/carers are regularly communicated with to keep them up to date on their child's progress (academically and pastorally).

Relationship based behaviour for Learning Policy 

The Centre has a published Relationship based behaviour for Learning Policy which is discussed with the student and their parent/carers at the Induction meeting. This policy is based on promoting positive behaviour in a non - confrontational manner. There are clear consequences to address negative behaviour, of which students are fully aware. The policy allows for the students to regularly self evaluate their performance. SchoolPod is an online platform used to monitor behaviours and inform students, carers and tutors of progress. Students are awarded points for their positive behaviours. Behaviour targets are devised from SchoolPod data and set by the student's key worker. Targets are monitored by both key worker and subject teachers. 


We hope to reintegrate all students, either full or part time, back into mainstream schooling - unless they are in Year 11, where we support plans for future education and training. Students and their parents / carers are well supported by the Centre staff during this period of transition. 

Dress Code

The Centre expects students to wear a uniform consisting of a white shirt or polo t-shirt; black school trousers or knee length skirt; a navy or black round neck sweatshirt and black shoes/trainers. Hair style and colour needs to be appropriate for school. Hats and caps are not to be worn in school.


For more information on uniform please visit our School Uniform page.