The Key Stage 3 Base

The Key Stage 3 Base delivers lessons to students in years 7 & 8 in an accessible and inclusive way. We have two teachers covering these year groups with support staff available in both classes. Year 7 and 8 are taught using a primary model where children stay with their class teacher for all curriculum lessons, with specialist teachers used for music and food technology. 

The core subjects of English, Maths and Science are taught daily including cross-curricular links wherever appropriate. Children are also taught humanities subjects (history, geography and RE) art, food technology and music each week. We follow the national curriculum, differentiating objectives where necessary to ensure that we can cater for the needs of all the children in our classes. PSHE is taught once a week following the RSE curriculum and carer links are included where appropriate in core lessons.

We are also in the fortunate position to be able to offer the children in key stage 3 off-site education provisions in the form of a weekly gym session at Blandford Leisure Centre and a weekly trampolining/gymnastics session at Rossmore Leisure Centre in Poole. Children are also able to attend Forest School sessions as Durweston.

We use the primary model for teaching to ensure consistency, stability and a safe place for them to learn and develop both academically and socially.