English and English Literature



Our aim is to provide a high quality English curriculum for all our students. The guiding principle is to equip our students with the language and analytical skills they will need after full time education. Our teaching will enable pupils to grasp the different modes of expression that are used in the everyday world at both the verbal and written levels. This should help enable our learners to communicate effectively and to be able to fully engage in society.

Pupils will develop a wide variety of skills in English that are relevant to life beyond school;

  • how to read a variety of different text types and understand their purpose.
  • how to read analytically and to question content in non-fiction texts.
  • how to read and understand how authors use a variety of methods in their writing.
  • how to read and understand texts from different time periods such as 17th, 18th and 19th century writing.
  • how to identify different methods that can be used to affect text.
  • how to write coherently for a variety of different purposes.
  • how to compare texts and methods to evaluate effectiveness.
  • how to write effectively as a form of communication such as letters, emails, reports and speeches.
  • how to speak confidently and clearly in a presentation.
  • how to discuss effectively and to listen attentively to other ideas and points of view.
  • how to reflect on success.
  • how to identify where improvements can be made.

Our aim is for every student to sit the AQA English Language GCSE (8700).

We also offer English Literature to students who are able to meet the reading requirements of three set texts and poetry.

We are able to support students who have already commenced this process at their previous schools.



KS3 – Core Year 9

In year 9, we follow earlier learning at KS2/3. The focus is on the skills that will be required to complete full time education with GCSE English or the equivalent.

  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Reading for meaning and understanding
  • Comparing texts
  • Reading literary texts and gaining an understanding of context
  • Presenting information
  • Researching information and using judgement about quality of sources


Year 10 and 11

At the beginning of Year 10, students will be required to make a choice, along with their parents and teachers, about their course of study. As well as the skills covered in KS3, the focus moves towards formal examinations;

English Literature – this is offered in Year 10 as a programme that covers the set texts and equips students with a foundation knowledge.  A decision will be made in Year 11 whether the student is advised to continue this and work towards GCSE or whether they should focus on their English Language skills.

  • English Language – this is offered to all students and is divided into two main areas;
  • Creative writing and its evaluation (fiction)
  • Persuasive and functional writing (non-fiction)
  • Spoken English – time will be set aside for students to work on their presentation skills and to present a topic of their choosing.

During the course, students are given ample opportunity to work at their own pace and for materials to be tailored to their needs so that they are able to fulfil their own individual targets.

Student’s will be provided clear objective every lesson and will be encouraged to reflected upon these objectives and their own learning. This will give them the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning.

We also use the AQA English Language Functional Skills exams (4720 & 4725)

At Level 1 and Level 2 they are accepted by Colleges and Apprenticeship schemes as equivalent GCSE passes.




A variety of assessment techniques will be used throughout the year to check understanding. Formative, in class assessment (quizzes, classwork, discussions and questioning) will take place to ensure pupils understanding and support planning of lessons. Students will also have summative assessment with baseline assessments, end of unit assessments, peer assessment and mock exams.






This specification, Functional English Level 1 and Level 2 (4720, 4725), gives students practical skills for the modern world and helps them get the most from life, learning and work

This specification aims to ensure students have good communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. It assesses whether students can use these skills in everyday situations.

At Entry Level it may be suitable for students to study for the AQA Step Up English awards.

Step up to English helps Entry Level students build basic and relevant literacy skills and is suitable for students of all ages. The specification is fully co-teachable with GCSE English Language.

It offers two ‘Steps’: Silver Step (Entry Level 1 and 2) and Gold Step (Entry Level 3) so you can tailor the specification to the needs of your students. The two step approach is ideal to build confidence and provide access to the new GCSEs.










We encourage reading at every level whether this is fiction or non-fiction. 

We have variety of books available in the classroom – talk to your teacher about your interests and we can loan you a book.